Our editors help you score better grades by ensuring you submit an impressive assignment with polished language, referencing, and formatting.
Our editors help you score better grades by ensuring you submit an impressive assignment with polished language, referencing, and formatting.
Navigate through the three tabs below to view how we meticulously refine the grammar, style, and overall structure of your assignment. Your final draft will have a combination of all three levels of editing. You can also view a completely edited document here.
Navigate through the three tabs below to view how we meticulously refine the grammar, style, and overall structure of your assignment. Your final draft will have a combination of all three levels of editing. You can also view a completely edited document here.
We proofread your assignment to remove mistakes:
Our editors boost the quality of your writing:
You get detailed suggestions to improve your work:
We run your assignment through our in-house plagiarism checking software to ensure that your work does not come under fire for plagiarism.
We refine and cross-check the citations and references in your assignment to ensure that they conform to the prescribed guidelines.
We format your assignment according to the guidelines prescribed by your university, prioritizing coherence and readability.
Our customer service team is available on chat, phone, and email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Instantly check your order status or have any queries about your assignment resolved by your editor with our online customer support. We're here for you!
We offer a 5% discount to first-time users of our services. Further, we have special discounts for students through the academic year. Register on our website, and keep an eye out for our emails!
Through our editing and feedback, our experts help you improve your paper's language, clarity, structure, arguments, and overall quality, thus contributing to your securing a good grade. We aid you in submitting a beautifully written assignment. Your final grade, however, depends entirely upon the evaluator at your educational institution.
We certainly improve the concision and point out any redundancies in your assignment. However, substantially reducing the word count of your paper risks either diluting or entirely changing your arguments and intended meaning. Therefore, as a policy, we reduce the word count of your assignment by up to 10% of the original word count; we do not go beyond this limit.
After editing your assignment and understanding the subject matter, we can suggest a list of suitable titles for you to choose from.
We have editors from diverse academic and professional backgrounds, who specialize in working on documents from every domain. Based on your assignment requirements and field of study, our editorial co-ordinators pair you up with the editor best suited to your needs.
No, we will not. In order to maintain the academic integrity of your work, we do not add new content to your assignment. However, we can help you develop your ideas by providing detailed feedback on the treatment of the subject, logical flow of arguments, and overall structure of your completed assignment.